Now at dainox

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J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge

This year, dainox participated for the first time in the world's largest company run, the JP Morgan Chase Challenge, in Frankfurt. Together with about 55,000 other participants from about 2,000 companies, the dainox team had a great and successful time in a very positive atmosphere - and at the same…

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AFCEA 2023 - review

We would like to thank all visitors of this year's AFCEA trade exhibition for the great interest in dainox products and services! 

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We are celebrating 10 years of dainox!

10 years in which customers became our friends, projects became our mission and new products became a matter close to our hearts. We would like to thank our employees and their families, our customers and all business partners for this successful time. We are looking forward to the upcoming tasks…

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dainox at the joint AFCEA lunch forum

dainox presents a paper on the topic: "From practice: Multilateral requirements for the security of networks and services" at the lunch forum "Modern IT networks - basis for security, innovation and sovereign ability to act in a multilateral context", organized by AFCEA Bonn. e.V. and the company…

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We have moved!

Our new company building continues to fill with material and life. Our new production and administration building in the A96 Bad Wörishofen/Allgäu Intermunicipal Industrial Park has been completed, and we have moved in. On 1,200 square meters, the design, administration, production and training…

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[Translate to English:] Handballmannschaft Jugend vorm Tor

We were there!

The male D1 youth in Kuppenheim achieved the third tournament victory in a row. We are very proud of the team and happy to be able to make a small contribution. We like to support and promote different sports, local clubs and events all over Germany.

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dainox booth with four colleagues

Es war uns eine Freude - AFCEA 2022 ein voller Erfolg

Wieder einmal hat sich gezeigt, wie wichtig der persönliche Austausch und der direkte Dialog sind. Es war schön, sich mit Partnern und Kunden wieder face-to-face unterhalten zu können.

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dainox at CWIX

dainox products and demonstrators have been successfully presented at CWIX since 2017 in order to prove primarily the necessary Federated Interoperability in line with the FMN specifications. Our "CWIX team" expects technically highly interesting and challenging tasks according to the current FMN…

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A weekend in December 2021 aka log4jshell

A critical vulnerability in Java library Log4j was disclosed on 12/9/2021 (CVE-2021-44228, Base Score 10 CRITICAL CVSS3.x). The BSI classified this as an extremely critical threat situation on 11.12.2021 and published a cyber security alert of warning level red.

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Software Defined Mission Network (SDMN®|AutOr®) at your fingertips

Command Line Interface (CLI) is, has been, and will remain as the means of choice for the troubleshooting procedure. For other tasks of administrators, AutOr® promises full-fledged support...

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